

Hello and welcome to my world on the web.

Seems I kinda lost sight as to why I started this blog to begin with. I got so caught up in the design and make of it. With all the gadgets they have to offer. I forgot I started this to show case my work and to stay in contact with my clients, Not to teach.

And I've noticed with all the stuff going on in the page it's opens slower and is bogged down. So I'm gonna clean it up. Get rid of a lot of stuff. Now you wont need a map to find your way around my blog.
Going back to the basics and keep it simple.

Something has happened to my design anyways. Some how the sizes, colors and some other things has been changed but not by my doings.

Well it may take me a little while as I have been so busy with special orders. But it will change soon.

So keep an eye out for it.

Just 2 of my GrandAngels