
Just Added to My ETSY Store

I have just made my fiber and ribbon boxes even better than before. Just click on http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=24789949 this will take you right to the my store with these boxes. Here is a pic of the box you will be getting.I have added even more great fibers to my box making them over 1 lb each.
I've done the shopping, measuring, cutting, wrapping, sorting and stuffing and these boxes are stuffed.

Now you have the hard part. Pick out which one to use on your project as there are so many to choose from. 135 in all to be exact. That's 125 different fibers and 15 different ribbons to pick from. You're going to get 3ft. each making this box a total of over 400ft. of fun.
Below is a pic of the different kinds of fibers in this box, and everyone is different, you wont get any duplicates in my boxes Better hurry and get yours before someone else does as I have only made 6 of these, and I'm thinking of keeping 1 for myself lol.

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